Greater Cape May Historical Society


2025 Programs and Events


quote from Martin Luther King Jr: There is still the voice crying through the vista of time, saying, to every potential Peter, "Put up your sword." History is replete with the bleached bones of nations; history is cluttered with the wreckage of communities that failed to follow this command. So violence is not the way.

Society Receives Grant from MLK Commission

The Society has reprinted the Programs distributed at an event remembering Dr. King’s visit to Cape May in 1968. The purpose is to circulate a limited number of program copies in honor of Dr. King and his visit to the Cape May Convention Hall and his speech Non-Violence and Racial Justice. Copies are available at the Cape May Library and Convention Hall contact Rachel Ertle at 609-884-9566. To receive a copy by mail, send email to For more information on the commission: NJ Department of State - New Jersey Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission


a framed portrait over a blue fireplace mantle along with two lanters and decorative plates

Gift into Society Collection

The Society received to portraits into the collection presumed to be Daniel (1775 – 1811) and Jane Stillwell (1782 – 1829) Willden. The portraits were passed down through many generations of a family who no longer reside in this area. The descendants were not interested in maintaining the line of inheritance, deciding to rehome the portraits in Cape May County in which they lived during their lifetimes.

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